Technical Data
Type: 35mm single-lens reflex camera.
Viewfinder: Eye-level system using pentagonal prism. Waist Level Viewer 2 can be attached.
Focusing Glass: Highly efficient in resolving power, using Fresnel lens and built in prism screen rangefinder.
Mirror: The Canon Pellicle Mirror, a half bans parent mirror.
Standard Lens: FL 50mm F 1.8, FL 50mm F1.411, FL 55mmFl.2, FLP 38mm F2.8
Aperture: Fully automatic pre-set aperture built in. Pre-set release possible.
Shutter: 1/1000 -1 sec. and B (T) X single pivot dial focal plane shutter.
Exposure Meter: Built in. Zero-method CdS cell coupled to shutter dial and aperture setting. TTLM system. EVO.5(with ASA 100
film, F 1.2 at 1 sec.)-EV 18 (F 16 at 1/1000 sec.) one stage system. ASA 25 - 2000. Powered by one 1.3 V M 20 (# 625) mercury
Photometry: Exposure meter functions with the CdS actuating lever. Continuous photometry is possible with the CdS actuating lock
lever. Battery checker built in.
Measuring of Ultra-Low Illumination: EV 1.5 1/2 sec. -EV--4.5 30 sec. at F 1.2 can be measured with the attachment of the Canon
Booster (auxiliary meter for extremely dim lighting).
Flash Synchronization: Synchronizing possible for FP and X contacts and FP class, M class MF class and speedlight.
Self-timer: Built in. Time adjusting type.
Film Rewinding: Done by button and crank.
Film Advance Lever: Single operation 174° winding lever, possible to wind with several short strokes.
Film Loading: Back cover opening and closing, using only cartridge. The Canon developed QL mechanism makes possible simple and
quick loading of film.
Interchangeable Lenses: Automatic pre set aperture type FL series lens system.
Film Counter: Self-resetting type.
Size: 144x91x43mm (5~"x3%"xl~")
Weight: 755 grams (l lb. lO1/2oz.)--body only.
Subject to alterations.