become impossible. If this happens, open the back cover in a completely dark room.
Photography Using Self-timer and Eyepiece Shutter
Wind the shutter and close the eyepiece shutter. Turn the self-timer lever in the direction of the arrow and press the shutter button. The
shutter will be actuated approximately 10 seconds later.
è Be sure to wind the self-timer completely.
è Be sure to wind the shutter. If this is neglected and only the self-timer is wound and the shutter button pressed, the self-timer will act
but the shutter will not be actuated.
è The self-timer lever can be used as a CdS actuating lever as soon as it returns to its original position. When taking shots with the eye
off the eyepiece, such as when using the self-timer or cable release, always be sure to close the eyepiece shutter.
Eyepiece Shutter
Since the Canon PELLIX QL incorporates the mirror, the light rays may cause ghosts on the film plane if the viewfinder eyepiece
receives strong light.
è For closing the eyepiece shutter, turn the eyepiece shutter ring to the left and set the index mark to [ ].
Flash Synchronization
By connecting the cord of the flash unit or speedlight to the flash socket, it is
possible to synchronize the following shutter speeds.
When taking pictures with flash, light volume adjustment is required because the
Canon PELLIX QL uses a stationary mirror. Obtain F stop by guide number and
further open aperture by one-half.
è A lens hood is necessary when taking flash pictures.