d. The plug shall be made of a leak proof, UV--resistant, composite material.
3. Compressors
a. Unit shall use fully hermetic, scroll compressor for each independent refrigeration circuit.
b. Models shall be available with single compressor/single stage cooling designs on 04 – 07 sizes models, and 2
compressor/2 stage cooling models on 08 – 09 sizes.
c. Compressor motors shall be cooled by refrigerant gas passing through motor windings.
d. Compressors shall be internally protected from high discharge temperature conditions.
e. Compressors shall be protected from an over--temperature and over--amperage conditions by an internal, motor
overload device.
f. Compressor shall be factory mounted on rubber grommets.
g. Compressor motors shall have internal line break thermal, current overload and high pressure differential pro-
h. Crankcase heaters shall not be required for normal operating range, unless provided by the factory.
23 81 19.13.L. Filter Section
1. Filters access is specified in the unit cabinet section of this specification.
2. Filters shall be held in place by a pivoting filter tray, facilitating easy removal and installation.
3. Shall consist of factory--installed, low velocity, throw--away 2--in. thick fiberglass filters.
4. Filters shall be standard, commercially available sizes.
5. Only one size filter per unit is allowed.
23 81 19.13.M. Evaporator Fan and Motor
1. Evaporator fan motor:
a. Shall have permanently lubricated bearings.
b. Shall have inherent automatic--reset thermal overload protection or circuit breaker.
c. Shall have a maximum continuous bhp rating for continuous duty operation; no safety factors above that rating
shall be required.
a. Multi speed motor with easy quick adjustment settings.
b. Blower fan shall be double--inlet type with forward--curved blades.
c. Shall be constructed from steel with a corrosion resistant finish and dynamically balanced.
d. Standard on all 04--06 models with 208/230/1/60 operation
e. Standard on all 04--06 3--phase models, with optional belt drive.
3. Belt--driven Evaporator Fan:
a. Belt drive shall include an adjustable--pitch motor pulley.
b. Shall use sealed, permanently lubricated ball--bearing type.
c. Blower fan shall be double--inlet type with forward--curved blades.
d. Shall be constructed from steel with a corrosion resistant finish and dynamically balanced.
e. Standard on all 07--09 size models. Optional on all 04--06 3--phase models.
23 81 19.13.N. Condenser Fans and Motors
1. Condenser fan motors:
a. Shall be a totally enclosed motor.
b. Shall use permanently lubricated bearings.
c. Shall have inherent thermal overload protection with an automatic reset feature.
2. Condenser Fans:
a. Shall be a direct--driven propeller type fan.
b. Shall have aluminum blades riveted to corrosion--resistant steel spiders and shall be dynamically balanced.
23 81 19.13.O. Special Features Options and Accessories
1. Integrated Economizers:
a. Integrated, gear--driven parallel modulating blade design type capable of simultaneous economizer and com-
pressor operation.
b. Independent modules for vertical or horizontal return configurations shall be available. Vertical return modules
shall be available as a factory installed option.
c. Damper blades shall be galvanized steel with composite gears. Plastic or composite blades on intake or return
shall not be acceptable.