Page 19
Chain Tension: Equal tension on the left and right
drive chains is necessary to reduce binding ef-
fects on the carriage bearings and allow for smooth
movement throughout the in/out cycle. An exces-
sively loose chain may enable the drive sprocket
to “jump” teeth, thus providing a binding situa-
tion. Conversely, an excessively tight chain may
increase the drag on the drive sprockets, and thus
increase the force necessary to move the platform
during manual operation. Each respective side’s
chain tension can easily be modified by moving the
threaded rod in or out to the desired position via a
pair of locknuts (see Photos W and X).
Note: The rear timing chain tension is not adjust-
able. If problems arise due to the rear timing chain
tension, contact your Braun representative.
LocknutsThreaded Rod Locknuts Threaded Rod
Drive Chain Drive Chain
Inspection and Adjustment: Braun specifies a
drive chain tension that requires a force gauge and
metric tape measure for accurate setting, inspect-
ing, or adjusting on all models of RA200 ramps.
Braun recommends the Wagner Force Dial gauge
model FDK 20 or FDN 100. These gauges can be
found at www.wagnerforce.com.
1. Remove the bottom cover of the ramp assembly.
2. Position the ramp in the fully deployed position.
3. Measuring from the back of the carriage the
distance L
= 200mm (for all models), hook the
force gauge to the outside edge of the drive
chain (photo Y).
4. Pull the force gauge inward until the center of
the drive chain linkage measures approximately
85mm from the edge of the extruded housing (L
in photo Y). The nominal chain tension (on the
force gauge) should read 5.5 kg ± 0.5 kg (55N ±
5N). Adjust the tension by tightening the respec-
tive locknuts as required. Note: Improper chain
tension may result in poor ramp performance,
difficult ramp operation or excessive wear/ pre-
mature failure of respective drive components.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 for the opposite drive chain,
again ensuring the tension force is within the
recommended range.
6. Proceed with the Carriage "Full Out" Alignment to
ensure proper chain tension and alignment.
= 85mm
Maintenance, Lubrication & Adjustments
Photo W Photo X
Photo Y
Interior Adjustments (continued)