Page 17
Full In/Full Out Position of Carriage: The carriage
houses two sensors that provide positional feedback
of full out (see Photo R) or full in/stowed (see Photo
S) for the carriage and platform assembly. The prox-
imity sensors switch on and off as the sensor head
passes over a metallic pick-up plate mounted on the
cassette frame. Distance from the sensor head to
the pick-up plate must be approximately 4 mm and
should be checked (due to possible loosening) to
ensure sensor switching (sensor LED lights when
switched on). Note: Verify the full out sensor is
distanced properly to remain lit (switched on) during
the entire elevation cycle. If the sensor light should
be intermittent during the elevation cycle, reposition
the sensor to reduce the distance between the sen-
sor head and pick-up plate, while confirming there is
no interference of the sensor head and pick-up plate
during the in/out movement. See Photo R.
Overall View
Full Out/Deployed
Full In/Stowed
Interior Adjustments
Maintenance, Lubrication & Adjustments
Photo R Photo S
Photo Q