Entry in the Type list Available configuration settings
Displays the display name of the profile if ONVIF Media
Profile is selected. If multiple names are available,
<multiple> is displayed.
RTSP Select for adding a 3
party camera that supports the
Real Time Streaming Protocol.
JPEG Select for adding a 3
party camera that can send JPEG
images (usually every CCTV camera).
In the Rate [ips] list, select the desired value.
Table 12.1: Protocol settings
VSG Camera Name
Change the camera name if required. This name is used for VRM and for Bosch Video Client.
See also
– Adding a Bosch camera to a VSG, 19
– Adding an ONVIF camera to a VSG, 20
– Adding a 3rd party camera to a VSG, 20
Recording profiles tab (Video Streaming Gateway)
Main window > Devices tab > Expand > Expand Devices > Video Streaming
Gateway device > Recording tab > Recording Profiles tab
Allows you to switch recording on or off for each VSG camera.
In the list, select the desired entry.
See also
– Switching on recording, 21
Multicast tabs (Video Streaming Gateway)
Main window > Devices tab > Video Streaming Gateway device > Network tab
Allows you to configure multicast for the assigned cameras.
Click to enable multicast for this camera.
Multicast Address
Insert a valid multicast address (in the range -
Type in A unique multicast address is automatically inserted based on the MAC
address of the device.
When a firewall is used, enter a port value that is configured as non-blocked port in the
Video Recording Manager User interface | en 37
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Software Manual 2012.05 | v1 | DOC