Control Menu Setup
1. From the Setup Control Menu use the Up/Down to high
light a sub menu.
2. Select by pressing SEL or ENTER.
Display Setup
1. Setup Front Panel display brightness by highlighting and
selecting displays.
2. Select Off, Dim, Medium or Bright by using the Left/Right
3. Individual Zone Display. For each zone, select YES or
NO to decide whether the front panel should display
changes as they occur. If all zones are set to YES, the
front panel display will show changes every time any
zone has activity. *N/A on CT602/300.
Note: If zone A display is set to NO, the OSD cannot be accessed from a MENU IR command received via
the rear Zone A IR data in port.
Zone Code-Sets/Names and Group Titles
For a detailed explanation of using Code-Sets and
Groups, see the section: Groups/Code-Sets/Zones on
page 41.
1. Select the Group you want to define by using the
Left/Right key when the top row is highlighted as shown.
2. Once the correct Group is shown use the Up/Down keys
to select Line 1, Name. Use the Left/Right keys to acti-
vate name editing (blinking cursor). You may also use
the numeric keys to aid in the naming process: 1=ABC,
2=DEF, etc....
22 ZZoonnee CCooddee SSeettss//NNaammeess
33 ZZoonnee CCoonnttrrooll II//OO
44 CCoommmmoonn CCoonnttrrooll II//OO
55 PPrreesseett OOppeerraattiioonn
66 PPoowweerr OOnn TTiittlleess
77 SSeeccuurriittyy
88 RRSS-223322
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
1 DDisplays
22 DDiissppllaayy ZZoonnee AA YYEESS
33 DDiissppllaayy ZZoonnee BB YYEESS
44 DDiissppllaayy ZZoonnee CC YYEESS
55 DDiissppllaayy ZZoonnee DD YYEESS
66 DDiissppllaayy ZZoonnee EE YYEESS
77 DDiissppllaayy ZZoonnee FF YYEESS
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
1 DDisplays Bright
22 CCooddee SSeett 1111
33 IInncclluuddee ZZoonnee AA LLeefftt++RRiigghhtt
44 IInncclluuddee ZZoonnee BB NNoo
55 IInncclluuddee ZZoonnee CC NNoo
66 IInncclluuddee ZZoonnee DD NNoo
77 IINNcclluuddee ZZoonnee EE NNoo
88 IInncclluuddee ZZoonnee FF NNoo
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU sseettuupp ccoonnttrrooll
1 NName ZZone AA
Control System Menu