1. Front Panel Buttons:
When you disable the front panel buttons, the only button that still has any affect is the master power
ON/OFF switch. A touch of any other button brings the word "Locked" to the display.
2. Front Panel IR:
Disabling the front panel IR prevents B&K IR commands from affecting internal operation, but will still pass
IR through to the IR outputs. It also does not prevent source IR from reaching the rear panel flashers.
3. Memory Locked:
This will prevent the user from saving any changes to presets or system settings.
4. Setup Menu Visible:
If set to Hidden, the user cannot access the setup menu.
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Advanced Button Press to Unlock Security Settings
Advanced Button Press to Unlock Security Settings
Should you be at a job site without a PC and the CT Receiver has locked or hidden menus, you can use this
advanced button press to access the security menu. The advanced button press will work even if the front
panel buttons are DISABLED!
CT610/310 - Press and hold down simultaneously and release the Sleep, Down and Up buttons. The
security menu will be displayed both on the front panel of the unit and through the Zone A On Screen Display.
CT602/300: Since the CT602/300 has no front panel buttons, please perform the following to unlock
the Security Settings.
1. Cold boot the unit, ( hard power on)
2. Wait 12 seconds for initial power up sequence to finalize.
3. Within the next 15 seconds hold the ENTER button for 5 seconds on the remote.
Security menu will appear through the Zone A video output.
**Your "window of opportunity" is only available immediately after hard power up**