IR to Flasher Out
1. Use the Up/Down keys to highlight IR to Flasher Out.
2. Use the Left/Right keys to pick from the available options
of on or off.
If front Panel IR to flasher outputs is set to ON, any IR
received by the front panel will pass through the
CT Receiver to the flasher outputs according the the
selected input. When set to OFF Non-B&K IR com-
mands will not be passed through to flasher outputs.
Regardless of this setting B&K will always respond to its
own IR commands. The default is set to no because of
possible optical interference.
Optical feedback occurs when IR interference from the sun, light fixture or plasma TV is present. Interference
can also occur if a sensor and an emitter/flasher are very close together. If IR commands need to be relayed
from the front panel to the back panel IR flasherss, select YES and test operation.
There are two possible situations you may run into:
1. Optical Feedback - Symptom: intermittent operation. To cure the feedback you must put blocking
covers on all of the flasher/emitters near the front panel of the CT Receiver. Do not attempt to block IR with
black electrical tape; it is generally transparent to IR. A hard plastic or tin foil is a good method for blocking
IR. If you are experiencing intermittent operation, check all IR sensors for stray optical input.
2. Wrong Carrier - Symptom is no or intermittent operation. To verify this, first contact the manufac-
turer and check on the carrier frequency of the original remote control. If it is not between 32kHz and 42kHz,
you a may not be able to use the B&K front panel sensor. For example, the front panel sensor is probably
not compatible with RCA or Proscan products with 56k carrier frequencies. Substitute an external Niles or
Xantech, Elan wide-band IR sensor instead.
Control System Menu
11 CCoonnttrrooll 11 AAnnyy ZZoonnee OOnn
22 CCoonnttrrooll 22 AAnnyy ZZoonnee OOnn
33 FFllaasshheerr OOuutt SSeelleecctteedd IInnppuutt
ffrroonntt ppaanneell rreemmoottee
iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnttrrooll oonnllyy
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU sseettuupp ccoonnttrrooll
4 IIR tto fflasher OOut Off