
Audio / Video Submenu
Menu Items for a Dedicated Input
1. When a dedicated input is used, select Auto if the
CT Receiver should detect and automatically select the
dedicated input when audio or video is detected.
2. Select a adequate amount of turn off time, typically 20-25
seconds if there is no video from this source, 0-5 seconds
if this is a video source, or “Forever” if you don't want
the input to return to the previous source once the input
signal is lost.
Zones Menu
First select which of the six zones you want to configure.
Then do the following steps:
1. Set the zone for stereo or mono depending on the
requirements. If it is set to stereo, go to the next menu
screen description.
2. Page/Event - Select if this zone should respond to
common control 1, 2, both or none.
3. Assign a tuner the zone will use. (Tuner 1 or 2).
4. Level Control - Set this to VARIABLE for standard
adjustable volume via keypads and remote controls. Set
this to FIXED if this zone uses impedance matching
volume controls for background music or if you want it
set to a fixed output level.
5. Max Level - Set this to the maximum level the zone is to be able to achieve. Typically, a variable max
volume is set to -6 dB, the amplifier will not clip with a normal CD at this volume. Typically, fixed lev-
els are set lower for impedance matching volume controls (between -25 & -10dB).
6. Left Calibration - Use this to permanently compensate for odd speaker placement or the relative dif-
ference between linked zones.
7. Right Calibration - Same as Left Calibration.
Zone Menu when set to MONO
(the Zone is SPLIT into two independent areas)
When a zone is set to mono, the zone can operate sim-
ply as a mono zone or you have the ability to separate
the left and right sides of the zone independently. When
a zone is split to mono you are given independent con-
trol of power, volume & mute for the right and left sides
of the zone. You must share input (tuner), bass treble
and loudness across the mono zone. You may also set
the amp channels to a fixed volume level using this
Split mono zone’s do not have the capability to calibrate as in stereo mode, however each side of the chan-
nel can have a maximum volume limit specified.
11 NNaammee IINN FF
22 LLeevveell 00ddBB
33 MMooddee SStteerreeoo
44 VViiddeeoo YYeess
55 SSeelleeccttiioonn AAuuttoo
66 TTuurrnn OOffff DDeellaayy 55sseecc
nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
11 MMooddee SStteerreeoo
22 PPaaggee//EEvveenntt 22
33 UUsseerr TTuunneerr 11
44 LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll VVaarriiaabbllee
55 MMaaxx LLeevveell -66ddBB
66 LLeefftt CCaalliibbrraattiioonn 00ddBB
77 RRiigghhtt CCaalliibbrraattiioonn 00ddBB
nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
11 MMooddee MMoonnoo
22 PPaaggee//EEvveenntt 22
33 UUsseerr TTuunneerr 11
55 LLeefftt MMaaxx LLeevveell -66ddBB
66 RRiigghhtt LLeevveell VVaarriiaabbllee
77 RRiigghhtt MMaaxx LLeevveell 00ddBB
nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
4 LLeft LLevel VVariable