
Equalization Settings and Adjustments
The receiver provides 3 ways to modify the frequency response (equalization) for particular listening situa-
tions. These equalization are in addition to the room equalization and room resonance adjustments made in
the speaker setup menu. Pressing the EQ button consecutively on the remote control will step through the
receiver’s user EQ selections. To quickly select an EQ, press EQ, then the EQ number. Equalization is not
available for DVD-Audio, Direct, or LtRt Modes.
The available user EQ’s are defined as follows:
0 Flat - No equalization applied.
1 Variable - User designated EQ settings. To adjust the variable EQ
from the OSD, highlight the Variable EQ selection from the Z1 Operation
- Theater Zone Menu. Press the ENTER button to access and adjust
the variable EQ settings as shown. Bass and treble level adjustments
can be made using the LEFT and RIGHT arrows. The receiver allows
the designation of the frequency at which the bass and treble adjust-
ments occur.
LFE gain can be adjusted. Note that this affects only the separate LFE
(.1) track available on Dolby Digital and DTS material it has no effect on
the reproduction of normal bass from the front, center, or surround
The dynamic range (Dolby Night-time mode) can be limited for late night
listening while processing Dolby Digital or DTS bitstreams.
2 Loudness - The human ear's frequency response varies with volume
level. At high levels it has relatively flat response, while at low levels its
sensitivity to high and low frequencies are reduced. The loudness equal-
izer is designed to cancel the ear's frequency response anomalies to
provide consistent tone at all volume levels. Note that you will hear little difference using the loudness control
at high volumes as it has its greatest effect at lower volume levels.
3 Vocal - Frequency gains have been cut on both the high and low end for vocals only listening. This is
useful for late night listening as it allows you to hear the dialogue, but reduces the volume of sound effects
which might disturb others. Unlike Dolby Digital/DTS nighttime modes, the vocal filter is effective for all source
material including PCM and analog.
This equalizer is also effective in reducing the vocal boominess often associated with FM talk radio. Some
crackly old movie soundtracks will have improved clarity with the vocal filter on.
The table below outlines how the various EQs can be applied in each audio mode. To manually select an
EQ, press the EQ button on the remote control followed by the EQ#.
SSoouurrccee DDVVDD SStteerreeoo 110033..33
VViiddeeoo DDVVDD VVoolluummee --1100..00
MMooddee SSuurrrroouunndd CCeenntteerr 00..00
DDPPLLIIIIxx MMoovviiee RReeaarr 00..00
SSppkkrrss 77 SSuubb 00..00
nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt
00....99 ++1100 rreeccaallll pprreesseett SSAAVVEE
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
EEqq 11 VVaarriiaabbllee
FFrreeqquueennccyy LLeevveell
BBaassss 110000..00 HHzz 00..00 ddBB
TTrreebbllee 1100..00 kkHHzz 00..00 ddBB
LLFFEE LLeevveell 00..00 ddBB
DDyynnaammiicc RRaannggee NNoorrmmaall
nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt
MMEENNUU zzoonnee ooppeerraattiioonn
Audio Mode
EQ Name EQ # Mono Stereo Surround Cinema DVD Audio Direct
Off (Flat) 0
Variable 1
User set User set User set User set Bypassed Bypassed
Loudness 2
fixed response fixed response fixed response fixed response Bypassed Bypassed
Vocal 3
fixed response fixed response fixed response fixed response Bypassed Bypassed