
1. Setup Speakers
This menu configures the receiver for the number of speakers, speaker size, and location of the speakers in
the room. It also contains room equalization options that can optimize the sound for a particular room. The
overall sound quality of your system will depend upon how the parameters of this menu are setup. It is very
important that the speaker setup is performed when the receiver is initially installed or if any speakers are
moved or changed. Page 25.
2. Setup Inputs
This menu configures the receiver for the audio/video source devices that are connected to the system. This
setup should be performed when the system is initially installed and whenever source components are added
or removed. Setup inputs also describes the various audio modes and how each input is configured when it
is selected. See page 29.
3. Setup Presets
This menu configures the receiver for how the presets will operate and be recalled. Presets allow virtual
“snapshots” of the current settings to be saved. The presets can then be recalled at a later time.
See page 30.
4. Setup Displays
This configures the receiver for preferences relating to the front panel and on-screen displays. To setup the
display menu, see Page 31.
5. Music Modes
This menu configures the receiver for user preferred settings pertaining to the surround decoders. The
receiver includes Dolby Pro Logic IIx and DTS NEO:6 processing which expands 2 channel stereo informa-
tion into 6 or 7 channels. To setup music modes see Page 31.
6. Memory Backup/Restore
This menu allows a backup to be made of all system settings for restore at a later date. Once the setup of
your receiver is complete it is recommended that you perform a memory backup. In case that an undesired
change is made, the memory restore will allow you to restore your original settings. See Page 31.
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