2. HD Adj
This page is the settings of A/D converter. There are 2 sections, one is for RGBHV format
signal (DVI-A input and RGB-HD input), the other is for YPbPr format signal
(Comp-HD input).
Page Items Comment Range
Red Offset A/D converter red offset 0~127
Green Offset A/D converter green offset 0~127
Blue Offset A/D converter blue offset 0~127
Red Gain A/D converter red gain 0~255
Green Gain A/D converter green gain 0~255
RGBHV format
Blue Gain A/D converter blue gain 0~255
Page Items Comment Range
Brightness A/D converter green offset 0~127
Contrast A/D converter green gain 0~255
Saturation A/D converter red and blue gain 0~255
Pb-Offset A/D converter blue offset 0~127
YPbPr format
Pr-Offset A/D converter red offset 0~127
3. STD Adj
This page is the settings of video decoder. There are 2 sections, one is for Video and
S-Video input, the other is for component input.
Page Items Comment Range
Brightness V/D brightness 0~255
Contrast V/D contrast -128~127
Saturation V/D saturation -128~127
Video & S-Video
Hue V/D hue -128~127