Filter 1 Contrast 76
Color Temp 2 Saturation 49
Pb offset 60
Pr offset 60
(a). PBPR Offset adjustment: (AD PB, PR Offset)
1. The variance of color coordinate via Pb offset and Pr offset:
x y
Pb offset ↓ x ↓ y ↓
Pb offset ↑ x ↑ y ↑
Pr offset ↓ x ↑ y ↓
Pr offset ↑ x ↓ y ↑
If we line the x and y, then the Pb offset is the shift action and the Pr offset is the
rotational action.
2. Connect power, YPbPr Video into projector.
3. Change Timing and pattern of pattern generator :
Timing : 480P(H:31.54 KHz,V:60.08 Hz)
pattern : 10gray Pattern
4. Turn on projector
5. Set user OSD values to default.
6. Enter factory mode.
7. Set Factory values to default.
8. Follow the Pb, Pr offset adjustment flow chart to adjust color temperature to 6500K
b). Gray Level: (AD YPBPR Contrast, Brightness)
1. Change Timing and pattern of pattern generator :
Timing : 480P(H:31.54 KHz,V:60.08 Hz)
pattern : gray 32( or gray16 only for overscan)
2. Adjust the Brightness of AD9883 (RGB) to let the black level of the gray
32 to just distinguish. Use Lux meter to measure the white level of the gray 32. Adjust
the contrast value of AD9883 (RGB) to let the light output to just max.
3. Check the 32 levels of gray. All steps must appear,