Porting and Converting Enterprise JavaBeans Applications
BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 Upgrade Guide 2-17
EJB Porting Considerations
Consider the following when porting Enterprise JavaBeans to WebLogic Server 7.0.
WebLogic Server Version 7.0 supports the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 and 2.0
The XML parser is stricter with XML deployment descriptors in WebLogic 7.0
than it was in WebLogic 5.1. Some errors allowed in earlier versions are no
longer permitted. This is described in Introducing WebLogic Server Enterprise
Java Beans.
EJB 1.1 beans are deployable in WebLogic Server 7.0. However, if you are
developing new beans, it is recommended that you use EJB 2.0.
EJB 1.1 beans
can be converted to 2.0 using the DDConverter utility. For more information, see
the DDConverter documentation in Programming WebLogic Enterprise
You can upgrade EJB 1.0 deployment descriptors to EJB 2.0 using the
DDConverter utility, but first those descriptors must be upgraded to 1.1.
WebLogic Server 5.1 deployment descriptors can be upgraded to 7.0 to take
advantage of new features in WebLogic Server 7.0. Details on the DDConverter
utility are provided in the WebLogic Server EJB Utilities section of
Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.
The finder expressions feature of EJB 1.1 is no longer supported. This is the
only non-supported feature of EJB 1.1.
Deploying beans is described in the Packaging EJBs for the WebLogic Server
Container section of Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.
If ejbc has not been run on an EJB, WebLogic Server 7.0 will run ejbc
automatically when the bean is deployed. You do not need to compile beans with
ejbc before deploying. If you wish to run ejbc during startup, you may do so.
See details in Packaging EJBs for the WebLogic Server Container in
Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans.
An EJB deployment includes a standard deployment descriptor in the
ejb-jar.xml file. The ejb-jar.xml must conform to either the EJB 1.1 DTD
(document type definition) or the EJB 2.0 DTD.
An EJB deployment needs the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file, a WebLogic
Server-specific deployment descriptor that includes configuration information