
Upgrading the WebLogic 6.1 Service Pack 2 Examples Server to WebLogic Server 7.0
BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 Upgrade Guide B-33
set PATH=%WL_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
@echo Your environment has been set.
above-listed setExamplesEnv.cmd script modified to boot WebLogic Server 7.0
@echo on
@rem This script should be used to set up your environment for
@rem compiling and running the examples included with WebLogic
@rem Server. It contains the following variables:
@rem WL_HOME - This must point to the root directory of your
@rem installation.
@rem JAVA_HOME - Determines the version of Java used to compile
@rem and run examples. This variable must point to the
@rem root directory of a complete JDK installation. See
@rem the WebLogic platform support page
@rem (http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/platforms/index.html)
@rem for an up-to-date list of supported JVMs on
Windows NT.
@rem When setting these variables below, please use short file
@rem names(8.3).
@rem To display short (MS-DOS) filenames, use "dir /x". File
@rem names with spaces will break this script.
@rem jDriver for Oracle users: This script assumes that native
@rem required for jDriver for Oracle have been installed in the
@rem location and that your system PATH variable has been set
@rem For additional information, refer to Installing and Setting
up WebLogic
@rem Server (/install/index.html in your local documentation set
or on the
@rem Internet at
@rem Set user-defined variables.
@rem changed: set WL_HOME=C:\bea61sp2\wlserver6.1
1. Set the WL61_HOME variable so that you can access your WebLogic Server 6.1
set WL61_HOME=C:\bea61sp2\wlserver6.1