
Chapter 3: Operations 25
Example 2 - RU’s access level is equal to or higher than SO’s access level
Share mode = Disabled
SO is connected exclusively
RU is prompted with preemption choices E, N and D.
If RU replies with
E, then SO will be preempted/disconnected and RU will be connected
exclusively to the port.
If RU replies with
N, then SO will be preempted/disconnected and RU will be connected
non-exclusively to the port.
If RU replies with
D, SO will remain connected and RU will not be connected to the port.
Share mode = Auto or Query
SO is connected non-exclusively
RU is prompted with preemption choices E, N, S and D.
If RU replies with
E, then SO will be preempted/disconnected and RU will be connected
exclusively to the port.
If RU replies with
N, then SO will be preempted/disconnected and RU will be connected
non-exclusively to the port.
If RU replies with
S and Share Mode = Auto, SO will remain connected and RU will be
connected to the port.
If RU replies with
S and Share Mode = Query, SO will be prompted to approve sharing
the connection.
If SO approves, RU will be connected to the port.
If SO does not approve, RU will not be connected to the port.
If RU replies with
D, SO will remain connected and RU will not be connected to the port.
Example 3 - Ending shared sessions
In a shared session, if the SO quits the session, the next user sharing the session will become the
SO. If the SO is logged out by another user, all sessions that are shared with the SO will be
terminated, as well as the SO’s session.
To enable/disable session sharing:
To disable session sharing, issue a Server Share command with the Disable parameter.
To enable automatic sharing, specify the Auto parameter.
To enable sharing only with the permission of the session originator, specify the Query parameter.
This is the default value.