Chapter 4: Web Interface Operations 51
Figure 4.4: LDAP Query Page in the OBWI
To configure LDAP query parameters:
1. Select Appl
iance - Appliance Settings - User Accounts - LDAP Accounts - Query.
2. Select either Bas
ic, User Attribute or Group Attribute for the Appliance Query Mode and the
Target Device Query Mode.
3. Enter the appropriate information in the Group Cont
ainer, Group Container Mask, Target Mask
and Access Control Attribute fields.
4. Click Save.
NOTE: These options cannot be changed if the LDAP Priority is set to LDAP Disabled on the Overview screen.
Appliance and Target Device Query Modes
One of three different modes can each be used for Query Mode (Appliance) and Query Mode
(Target Device):
• Basic – A username and password query for the user is
made to the directory service. If they
are verified, the user is given administrator access to the appliance and any attached target
devices for Query Mode (Appliance), or to any selected target device for Query Mode (Target
• User Attribute – A username, password and Acces
Control Attribute query for the appliance
user is made to the directory service. The Access Control Attribute is read from the user object
(the user account) in Active Directory.