Chapter 3: Local Port Operation 25
CAUTION: Monitor damage can result from the use of Energy mode with monitors not compliant with
3. (Optional) Click Test to activate the screen saver test, which lasts 10 seconds, then returns you
to the Security dialog box.
4. Click OK t
o save your settings.
To exit Screen Saver mode and log in to the local port:
1. Press any key or move the mouse.
2. If OSCAR Authentication has been enabled, you will see a login screen. Enter your username
and pas
sword and then click OK.
3. The Main OSCAR interface dialog box will appear. Yo
u may select an available target device.
To immediately activate the screen saver:
Print Screen, then Pause.
This command sequence works only when the user is connected to a target device.
Setting the keyboard country code
NOTE: Using a keyboard code that supports a language different from that of your AutoView 3050/3100/3200
switch firmware will cause incorrect keyboard mapping.
Sun servers may use keyboard mappings for non-US keyboards. By default, the AutoView 3050/
3100/3200 switch sends the US keyboard country code to Sun and USB modules attached to target
devices, and the code is applied to the target devices when they are powered up or rebooted. Codes
are then stored in the IQ module.
Issues may arise when you use the US keyboard country code with a keyboard of another country.
For examp
le, the
Z key on a US keyboard is in the same location as the Y key on a German
keyboard. Sun servers will interpret pressing the
Y key on a German keyboard as pressing the Z key
when the US keyboard country code is used.
The Keyboard dialog box enables you to send a different keyboard country code than the default
US set
ting. The specified country code is sent to all target devices attached to the AutoView 3050/
3100/3200 switches when they are powered up or rebooted, and the new code is stored in the IQ
NOTE: If an IQ module is moved to a different target device, the keyboard country code will need to be reset.
See Sun Advanced Key Emulation on page 85 for information on emulating certain Sun keys using
a PS/2 keyboard and special considerations fo
r Japanese and Korean Sun USB keyboards.
NOTE: Only local users can view or change keyboard country code settings.