Embedded Voicemail Installation Guide
Page 28 Embedded VoiceMail Installation
50-601067 Issue 5 (20th December 2006) IP Office 4.0
Routing Incoming Calls to an Auto Attendant
An integral voicemail auto attendant created can be specified as a destination in the IP Office Incoming Call Routes
table. Internal callers can access an auto attendant through a programmed DSS button or Phone Manager speed
To route incoming calls to an auto attendant:
1. Start IP Office Manager and load the required configuration.
2. Click Incoming Call Route and select the required route.
3. View the Standard tab. Click the Destination drop-down box and select AA:Name where Name is the
auto attendant name. This will now route all incoming voice calls, on lines in Line Group selected (0 is the
default) to the auto attendant.
In this example a Fallback Extension has also been set to route calls direct to the Main hunt
group. This will be used for callers in the auto attendant who do not make a valid key press within
the auto attendants Maximum Inactivity time.
Another auto attendant could be created to provide options for when the Main and Sales hunt
groups are not open. This could then be set as the Night Service Destination along with a Night
Service Time Profile.
4. Click OK.
5. Use to save the new changes back to the IP Office system.