Configuring Embedded VoiceMail
Embedded VoiceMail Installation Page 27
IP Office 4.0 50-601067 Issue 5 (20th December 2006)
Recording Prompts
When a new auto attendant is created, a number of short codes are automatically added to the system short codes
table. One short code is created for each auto attendant action. The short codes allow the recording of the various
auto attendant prompts. The short code telephone number indicates the name of the auto attendant service and
which prompt the short code records.
For example, an auto attendant called 'Example' is created. When the auto attendant is saved four short codes are
created. The short codes would have the telephone numbers:
The telephone number part takes the form AA:Name.x, where Name is the name of the auto attendant service,
and x is 1 for the morning greeting, 2 for the afternoon greeting, 3 for the evening greeting and 4 for the menu
options prompt.
To record the menu option prompt the short code created with the telephone number 'AA:Example.4' is used.
When using any of these short codes, you hear the options:
1 to hear the current prompt.
2 to record a new prompt.
3 to save the new prompt.
To prevent abuse of these default short codes, they can be deleted or changed. They can also be removed
from the system short codes section and rebuilt in the user short codes of a trusted user.
Using the Dial feature, the short codes can be assigned to a programmable button. This allows quick
access and recording of any prompts that change frequently.