Redial list
Dialing a redial entry
In the Redial list, you can dial a redial entry
telephone number using the HOME or CELLULAR
To redial an entry:
1. Press the REDIAL softkey when the handset or
telephone base is in idle mode.
2. Press the UP and DOWN Navkeys to select a
redial entry.
3. Press
handset, or
HOME (HEADSET if available) on
the telephone base.
CELLULAR on the handset or on the
telephone base.
Editing a redial entry
When a redial entry has been selected, you can
edit the entry and save it to the directory or dial
the telephone number.
To edit a redial entry
1. Press the REDIAL softkey when the handset or
telephone base is in idle mode.
2. Press the UP and DOWN Navkeys to select a
redial entry.
3. Press MENU/SELECT on the handset or press
the SELECT softkey on the telephone base to
put the selected entry to pre-dial mode (using
dial pad (0-9) to add additional digits.
• Press OFF/CANCEL on the handset or
CANCEL on the telephone to delete the last
• Press the PAUSE softkey to enter a two-
second pause.
4. Press the SAVE softkey to save the entry in the
Directory (see pages 68 and 69).
1. When editing the number,
you can also press and
hold # to enter a two-
second pause.
2. Display remains in pre-
dial mode after saving
the edited redial entry to