
Introducing BLUETOOTH
Your new AT&T EP5632/EP5632-2 telephone system with Bluetooth wirelessEP5632/EP5632-2 telephone system with Bluetooth wirelesstelephone system with Bluetooth wireless
technology has the following features:
Pair up to eight Bluetooth enabled cell phones and/or headsets with the Pair up to eight Bluetooth enabled cell phones and/or headsets with the
telephone base.
Connect a maximum of two cell phones to make and receive Connect a maximum of two cell phones to make and receive CELLULAR
calls. Only one cell phone can be active on a call at a time.
Connect a Bluetooth enabled headset for making and receiving Connect a Bluetooth enabled headset for making and receiving HOME
Conference Conference CELLULAR and HOME calls.
Make and receive calls using your cell phone plan while utilizing the ease Make and receive calls using your cell phone plan while utilizing the ease
and comfort of your home telephone system.
• Refer to your cell phone's or headset's user's manual for more informationRefer to your cell phone's or headset's user's manual for more information
about its Bluetooth function.
• Operate your Bluetooth device within 12 feet from the telephone base.
Bluetooth technology operates best within a short range. Keeping within 12
feet will maintain the connection quality of the Bluetooth device with themaintain the connection quality of the Bluetooth device with the
telephone base.
• Make sure that your cellular phone has sufficient signal strength. You mayMake sure that your cellular phone has sufficient signal strength. You may
need to move the cellular phone and telephone base to a location where
the cellular signal strength may be stronger.
• Charge your Bluetooth cell phone while it is connected to the telephoneCharge your Bluetooth cell phone while it is connected to the telephone
base, as your cell phone's battery will discharge faster while it is connected
wirelessly to the telephone base.
• Monitor your cell phone's usage, as airtime is deducted from your cellularMonitor your cell phone's usage, as airtime is deducted from your cellular
plan for the duration of CELLULAR calls.
Refer to the Bluetooth Setup section (page 22) to learn how to set up
and manage your Bluetooth device(s). Refer to the Telephone operation
section (page 55) on how to operate your Bluetooth devices with your new
AT&T telephone system with Bluetooth wireless technology. Refer to the
Troubleshooting section (page 92) if you experience difficulty using the
telephone system.