Operating Manual - neWR-5 Remote Control for NE Products
6) Zone Source Selection - This function is used to assign a button to select one or more
inputs for the defi ned zone (Select Zone Outputs) under neWR-5 control. Any function button can
have any combination of inputs as sources. A zone source selection button is green when selected,
and red when unselected. When multiple zone source select buttons are assigned different or over-
lapping inputs, each button will simply add to or subtract from the other’s input selections. How-
ever, if the Exclusive Source Selection box is checked in the zone setup, only the currently selected
button’s inputs will be used for that zone.
The <Disable Zone Level Control> checkbox allows input source selections to be changed from
the neWR-5, but not the overall output gain for that zone. The output gain can still be adjusted from
the target device software, but the neWR-5 user is locked out from making output zone gain changes.
7) Logic Output Active High - This allows the user to toggle the Logic Output assigned pin to
the button. The switch turns green when the output is high.
8) Logic Output Active Low- The switch turns green when the output is Low.
9) Matrix Mixer - This is used to select one or more inputs for the zone under neWR-5 con-
trol, but allows level control of that group at the dsp matrix mixer point instead of the output. Select
one or more Zone Output(s) in the Zone Setup to use the Matrix Mixer function
In addition to the hardware lockout available on the neWR-5, there are multiple user/multiple
levels of software protection assignable to the neWR-5 within the Security tab, from full access to
view only. The security data is stored within the neWR-5 itself, not Protea NE Software. Passwords
are case sensitive. Be sure to write down the password and store in a convenient place for future
Network Properties
Hardware, device, and device network confi guration details are displayed in the network prop-
erties tab. This includes the current neWR-5 fi rmware revision.
Flash Reprogram
The fi rmware, meaning the internal program which runs on the neWR-5, can be updated easily
over the network. Look in network properties for the current fi rmware revision. To obtain the latest
fi rmware, visit the Ashly Web site, locate and save it to the computer, then run <Flash Reprogram>
under the Device Options menu. The LED displays “Pr” during the reprogramming process.
Factory Reset
To restore factory default settings, a factory reset can be performed by connecting power to the
unit while holding the top function button down for 10 seconds, during which time a countdown will
occur on the LED display. Releasing the button at any time prior to completion of the countdown
stops the process. Upon completion of the countdown, the LED displays “Fr” until the neWR-5 is
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Ashly Audio Inc 847 Holt Rd Webster NY 14580
585-872-0010 toll free 800-828-6308 fax 585-872-0739 www.ashly.com