Operating Manual - neWR-5 Remote Control for NE Products
Main Control Surface
The main control surface is where the neWR-5 is named, its target NE device gets selected, any
zone defi nition occurs, and where the function buttons are programmed, The neWR-5 comes with
all function buttons set to “Off”. Unlike the WR-5, changes must be saved to the neWR-5 before
becoming effective.
Not all of the button functions listed below are available on all NE products, for instance an
amplifi er will not have “matrix mixer” capability unless it has DSP installed, and some products do
not have logic outputs. Protea NE software is able to determine which functions are available for
neWR-5 control.
1) Off - No function assigned and the button’s LED remains unlit
2) Preset Recall - A single preset number is assigned to a button. When the button is pressed,
the recalled preset number and the letters “PC” (Preset Change) are alternately fl ashed on the WR-5
for fi ve seconds, also locking out any other WR-5 action for that time.
3) Preset Scroll Mode - A range of presets can be assigned to a function button which when
selected, enables the up/down buttons to scroll through the available presets. Upon release of the up/
down button, the currently displayed preset will load. The function button will glow amber for the
duration of the preset scroll operation.
4) Gain Control - Since there are many possible gain adjustment points within a given NE au-
dio processing device, the neWR-5 displayed gain level is only a relative value. In other words, gain
could be changed elsewhere in the target unit, independent from neWR-5 control. The neWR-5 can
adjust gain from 0 to 99, and an upper and lower number limit can be set in the function range sec-
tion to limit the maximum and minimum reach of that control. To control the gain within the target
device’s input or output signal path, the neWR-5 remote gain function must fi rst be inserted into a
block in the unit’s DSP controls window.
Gain Control over individual channel(s) - When a gain control button is assigned
to control one or more individual channels, pressing that button will cause it to light amber, during
which time the up/down buttons determine gain for the selected channels. If the up/down buttons
remain idle for fi ve seconds, the gain button becomes inactive until being pressed again.
Gain Control over zone - If a zone output is active for that neWR-5, meaning one or
more output checkboxes are selected within the neWR-5 Zone Setup mode, the output gain for that
zone will be shown as the default numerical display, during which time the up/down buttons stay ac-
tive for that zone’s overall gain control. If a button is assigned for individual input channel(s) gain
control in addition to the neWR-5 being defi ned for output zone control, that button will turn amber
when pressed, and both the neWR-5 up/down buttons and display will refl ect the input channel(s)
gain, reverting back to output zone gain after fi ve seconds of inactivity. If there is no zone output
assigned for the neWR-5, the display shows “--” as the default.
5) Channel Engage/Mute - A button can be confi gured to mute one or more inputs or outputs,
or any combination of the two. The button is green when engaged and red when the selected chan-
nels are muted.