InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide54
SNMP traps
Trap receivers. View trap receivers by NMS IP/Host Name. You can configure up to six trap receivers.
• To open the page for configuring a new trap receiver, click Add Trap Receiver.
• To modify or delete a trap receiver, first click its IP address or host name to access its settings. (If
you delete a trap receiver, all notification settings configured under Event Actions for the deleted
trap receiver are set to their default values.)
• To specify the trap type for a trap receiver, select either the SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 radio button.
For a NMS to receive both types of traps, you must configure two trap receivers for that NMS,
one for each trap type.
SNMPv1 option.
SNMPv3 option.
Select the identifier of the user profile for this trap receiver. (To view the settings of
the user profiles identified by the user names selectable here, choose Network on the top menu bar and
user profiles under SNMPv3 on the left navigation menu.)
SNMP trap test. Use this option to test the sending of a trap to a configured trap receiver.
Last Test Result—The result of the most recent SNMP trap test. A successful SNMP trap test verifies
only that a trap was sent; it does not verify that the trap was received by the selected trap receiver. A trap
test succeeds if all of the following are true:
• The SNMP version (SNMPv1 or SNMPv3) configured for the selected trap receiver is enabled on
this device.
• The trap receiver is enabled.
• If a host name is selected for the To address, that host name can be mapped to a valid IP address.
To—Select the IP address or host name to which a test SNMP trap will be sent. If no trap receiver was
ever configured, a link to the Trap Receiver configuration page is displayed. (If a trap receiver was
deleted, or was reset to its default values by this or any other management application, the default values
for its trap type are listed.)
Item Definition
Trap Generation Enable (the default) or disable trap generation for this trap receiver.
NMS IP/Host Name The IP address or host name of this trap receiver. The default,, leaves
the trap receiver undefined.
Community Name The name ("public" by default) used as an identifier when SNMPv1 traps are
sent to this trap receiver.
Authenticate Traps When this option is enabled (the default), the NMS identified by the NMS IP/
Host Name setting will receive authentication traps (traps generated by invalid
attempts to log on to this device). To disable that ability, clear the checkbox.