53InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide
SMTP (Administration>Notification>E-mail>server). Use this option to define the following
E-mail recipients
. Use this option to identify up to four e-mail recipients. Click a recipient To Address
to edit that configuration. Select Add Recipient to add a new recipient.
E-mail test. Use this option to send a test message to a configured recipient.
Setting Description
The IP address (or if DNS is configured, the DNS name) of the local SMTP server.
Note: This definition is required only when SMTP Server is set to Local
when E-mail recipients are being configured. See “E-mail recipients” on
page 53.
The contents of the From field in the format user@ [IP_address] (if an IP address is
specified as Local SMTP Server) or user@domain.com (if DNS is configured and the
DNS name is specified as Local SMTP Server) in the e-mail messages sent by the
cooling unit.
Note: The local SMTP server’s configuration may require that you use a valid
user account on the server for this setting. See the server’s documentation for
more information.
Setting Description
To Address Defines the user and domain names of the recipient. To use e-mail for paging, use the
e-mail address for that recipient’s pager gateway account (for example,
myacct100@skytel.com). The pager gateway will generate the page.
You can bypass the DNS lookup of the mail server’s IP address by using the IP address
in brackets instead of the e-mail domain name. For example, use
jsmith@[xxx.xxx.x.xxx] instead of jsmith@company.com. This is useful when DNS
lookups are not working correctly.
Note: The recipient’s pager must be able to use text-based messaging.
Enables (by default) or disables sending e-mail to the recipient.
SMTP Server Selects one of the following methods for routing e-mail:
• Local: Through the SMTP server of the cooling unit (the recommended setting). This
option ensures that the e-mail is sent before the cooling unit’s 20-second time-out,
and, if necessary, is retried several times. Also do one of the following:
• Enable forwarding at the cooling unit’s SMTP server so that it can route e-mail to
external SMTP servers. Typically, SMTP servers are not configured to forward e-
mail. Always check with the administrator of your SMTP server before changing
its configuration to allow forwarding.
• Set up a special e-mail account for the cooling unit to forward e-mail to an external
mail account.
• Recipient: Directly to the recipient’s SMTP server. On a busy remote SMTP server,
the time-out may prevent some e-mail from being sent because, with this option, the
cooling unit tries to send the e-mail only once.
When the recipient uses the cooling unit’s SMTP server, this setting has no effect.
Format Select Long or Short. The Long format contains Name, Location, Contact, IP
address, serial number of the device, date, time, event code, and event description. The
Short format provides only the event description.