Chapter 3
Performance Verification
3-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter contains tests that can be used to verify the performance
of the Series 682XXB/683XXB Synthesized Signal Generators to speci
fications. These tests support all instrument models having any ver
sion of firmware. Units with Option 2A, 2B, 2C, or 2D (110 dB or
90 dB step attenuators), Option 11 (0.1 Hz frequency resolution), and
Option 15B (high power output) are also covered.
Table 3-1 (page 3-4) provides a list of the recommended test equipment
for the performance verification tests.
The test procedures refer to specific test equipment front panel control
settings when the test setup is critical to making an accurate meas-
urement. In some cases, the user may substitute test equipment hav-
ing the same critical specifications as those on the recommended test
equipment list.
Contact your local ANRITSU service center (refer to Table 1-5 on page
1-18) if you need clarification of any equipment or procedural refer-
3-3 TEST RECORDS A blank copy of a sample performance verification test record for each
682XXB/683XXB model is provided in Appendix A. Each test record
contains the model-specific variables called for by the test procedures.
It also provides a means for maintaining an accurate and complete
record of instrument performance. We recommend that you copy these
pages and use them to record the results of your initial testing of the
instrument. These initial test results can later be used as benchmark
values for future tests of the same instrument.
The test procedures include many references to equipment intercon
nections and control settings. For all 682XXB/683XXB references, spe
cific labels are used to denote the appropriate menu key, data entry
key, data entry control, or connector (such as CW/SWEEP SELECT or
RF OUTPUT). Most references to supporting test equipment use gen
eral labels for commonly used controls and connections (such as Span
or RF Input). In some cases, a specific label is used that is a particular
feature of the test equipment listed in Table 3-1.
682XXB/683XXB MM 3-3