5-28 682XXB/683XXB MM
Power Supply Not Phase-Locked
Error 106 Power Supply not Locked
Description: The switching power supply is not phase locked to the
400 kHz reference signal from the A6 Pulse Generator PCB. Error 106
may be displayed alone or it may be accompanied by error 148 (Pulse
40 MHz reference circuitry failed).
Power Supply not Locked and Error 148 is not Displayed
Step 1. Using an oscilloscope, verify the presence of a 400 kHz TTL
square wave at TP2 on the A6 PCB (P/N D40606-3) or TP12
on the A6 PCB (P/N D40626-3).
If present, replace the A18 Power Supply PCB.
If not present, replace the A6 PCB.
Power Supply not Locked and Error 148 is Displayed
Step 1. Troubleshoot the cause of error 148 (Table 5-27, page 5-52).
In most cases, this will also be the cause of error 106.
Table 5-6. Error Messages 105 and 106 (10 of 10)