Kindle User’s Guide 83
Chapter 7 Settings and Experimental
Entering Network Information
If you manage a Wi-Fi network and know the network information, you can manually enter
the network information so that Kindle can try to connect to the new Wi-Fi network. You must
be within range of the network that you want to add. When entering network information,
press the Symbol key to enter numbers or symbols not present on the Kindle keyboard.
To enter network information manually, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you are within range of the network you want to add.
2. Press the Home button, then press the Menu button.
3. Navigate to “Settings” using the 5-way controller, then press the 5-way controller to select.
4. Select “view” next to “Wi-Fi Settings” to display the list of detected Wi-Fi networks.
5. Navigate to “Enter other Wi-Fi network” and press to select.
6. Choose “advanced” to display the Network Information screen.
7. Enter the name of the network that you want to add.
8. Choose the connection type. Kindle can connect to Wi-Fi networks that use either the DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) or the Static protocol.
9. If you chose the Static connection type, enter the network’s IP Address, Subnet Mask,
Router address, and DNS. Otherwise, you can skip this step.
10. Choose the network’s security type.
11. Enter the password used to access this network.
12. Choose “connect.” Kindle connects to the new network.