
Kindle User’s Guide 45
Chapter 3 Reading on Kindle
If you are reading a blog, you will see the following options:
Navigating Within a Periodical
At the bottom of a newspaper or magazine you will see options for quickly navigating within
an issue. When viewing a blog, you will see similar options for navigation.
prev article — takes you to the previous article.
View Sections & Articles — takes you to the section list of a newspaper or magazine when
you press the 5-way.
View Articles List — takes you to the article list of a newspaper, magazine or blog when you
press the 5-way.
next article — advances you to the next article.
By default, “View Sections & Articles” for newspapers and magazines is highlighted and
when you press the 5-way, a list of the sections with article summaries will appear. If you
are viewing a blog, “View Articles List” is highlighted and pressing the 5-way shows a list
of the blog’s articles.