
98 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricStor
5.3.3 Environment variable XTCC_CLASS
GXCC supports an environment variable with this names as follows:
If this environment variable is not defined when GXCC is started, it is set to the value “Xtcc”.
Otherwise the specified value is taken.
The relevant value is is inherited by all applications called by the current GXCC instance.
This (class) name can, for example, be used by virtual window managers to place all the
applications belonging to a particular GXCC instance in the same virtual window.
On Unix systems this variable can, for example, be set as follows when GXCC is called:
XTCC_CLASS=Xtcc1 gxcc -unit A [argumente] &
XTCC_CLASS=Xtcc2 gxcc -unit B [argumente] &
5.3.4 Passwords
The following passwords are needed to start GXCC:
The password for logging into the CentriStor system running GXCC. GXCC starts under
this password. Normally, this is the user ID “tele”; “root” is also possible.
In User mode, GXCC requests a password which it uses for authorization when estab-
lishing a connection with the InfoBroker. Here you normally require the password of the
“xtccuser” ID.
For Service mode you normally require the password of the “diag” ID.
In Observe mode generally no password is required. However, if the optional access
control has been activated on a CentricStor, you normally require the password of the
“xtccobsv” ID.