
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 341
XTCC Function bar
8.3.5 Tools
The following functions are available:
XTCC Communications
Get Remote/Expand Local File
Show Remote File
Compare Local Files
XTCC Update/Revert XTCC Communications
Opens a window containing a list box and an input field:
The list box contains the IDs of the XTCC connections to the selected ISPs together with
short messages (Message) which are used for communication between the XTCC users.
In Remote mode, the IDs have the format <ip_address>:<name>:<port> and in Local
mode local:<name>:pid. The dots in the IP address are replaced by underscores. Your
local connection ID is indicated by <your ID>.
A message consists of two lines with the formats
Message date: YYYY/MM/DDHH:MM:SS (date and time of the sending system)
Message text: <text>.
In the messages the special characters “ \ $ [ ]” are replaced by underscores “_”.