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List of Transfer Types
Blind transfer:
This means that the application transfers the call indeĆ
pendent of the state of the "transferred to" party, i.e.
the "transferred to" party may be idle or busy.
Number Function
Semi-supervised transfer:
This means that the Automated Attendant transfers the
call only to an idle party. In case of busy or wrong
number, the caller is informed about this and returned
to the Automated Attendant main menu.
Supervised transfer:
When the "transferred to" party answers the call an anĆ
nouncement informs him, that a call will be transferred.
When the call is not answered or the extension is busy,
the call is put to the Automated Attendant main menu.
The caller is informed that the transfer failed.
'Recall after Blind Transfer' (depends on the telephone system softĆ
If a call is transferred blind to an extension and the transfer is not sucĆ
cessful the call is routed back to the Automated Attendant. The call is
again answered and transferred to the mailbox associated with the subĆ
scriber number. If no mailbox is associated with, the function 'Non exĆ
isting mailbox' is executed.