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Technical details:
In case of a notification call to a pager, the notification number, which
can be entered individually per mailbox, is treated in a special way:
It is part of a system-wide defined pager service, which is programĆ
mable by your Alcatel distributor.
2 different pager services may be defined in the Alcatel 4610 IV. During
programming his individual outgoing call number, the mailbox owner
may choose
between "ordinary" outcall to a telephone set, outcall to a pager
according to dialĆstring of pager service 1, or outcall to a pager
according to dialĆstring of pager service 2.
In case of notification to a pager, no announcement is played and no
confirmation is expected (Alcatel 4610 IV doesn't wait for <*>). FurtherĆ
more there is no second and third outgoing call attempt.