
Possible Cause
1. Check the dryer for fine material buildup inside the
2. Avoid leaving the dryer columns full for long periods at a
time (2-3 days) while not operating the dryer or during
rainy weather.
3. Empty the dryer. Keep the dryer clean! Do not allow
fine material to gather in the plenum chamber.
4. It may be necessary to open the strike off plates in the
affected columns in half inch intervals.
1. Check plenum thermostat temperature setting. Some
varieties of grain are more sensitive to higher operating
temperatures. It may be necessary to lower the plenum
operating temperature to accommodate this.
2. Check for proper burner alignment (side to side).
Vibration during shipment may have caused misalignment.
1. Burner switch must be on.
2. Check for power to ignition board.
1. The blinking light indicates the flame sensor is not
detecting flame.
2. The "chattering" solenoids are caused by the loss of
flame detection, and the thermostat and Fenwal ignition
board trying to reestablish a flame. Check for loose
wires on flame sensor; replace or repair wires or sensor.
1. Check gas supply. Also, check gas filter and gas line for
possible obstruction or closed valves. Refill tank;
replace or repair parts, as required.
2. Inspect gas solenoid valves (including liquid valve on
LP units) for defective coils or improper wiring. Replace
valve or coil if valve will not open with proper voltage
applied (120 volts).
3. Check for proper voltage. 120 volts across L1 and L2
incoming voltage to the Fenwal Ignition Board, and 115
volts outgoing across V1 and V2 to the solenoids.
1. Fenwal Ignition Board: Check board for spark by
removing ignition wire from board, and holding aninsu-
lated screwdriver against the output terminal and 1/4"
away from the control box casing. There should be a
strong spark. Check board wire connections. Replace
the Fenwal board, if necessary.
2. Ignitor: Check that the ignitor is properly gapped to 1/8"
and that it has a strong spark. Inspect the porcelain and
electrodes for damage or cracking. Replace or clean if
1. Make sure the low flow control valve is not completely
closed. Valve must be adjusted open to provide the
proper lo-fire gas pressure listed in this manual.
2. Check lo-fire solenoid valve for proper operation.
Grain not moving through columns.
Uneven drying-Some kernels appear brown while others
are under dried.
Uneven heat exiting from dryer columns.
Burner will not fire with fan operating.
Heater switch light and gas solenoids go on and off
erratically-The light blinks on and off while the solenoids
Burner will not fire-No gas pressure with fan operating at
least 15 seconds (gas supply or fan heater malfunction).
Burner will not fire-But gauge shows gas pressure.
Burner maintains desired drying temperature-but cycles
from hi-fire to off (without going to lo-fire).