
In case of emergency push the dryer
power stop button. The fan, burner
and all augers will stop immediately.
To check the staged batch opera-
tion, turn the control power switch
to the on position. Turn the drying
mode switch to the staged batch posi-
tion. Press the reset button, open
the main fuel supply valve at the tank
on an LP dryer, or valve in the fuel
supply line on a natural gas dryer.
All dryer functions should be checked before operation each season.
slightly decease gas pressure with
the lo-fire control valve. If the gas
pressure is decreased too much a
popping or fluttering sound will be
heard. Also, anytime the high pres-
sure side is adjusted, the low pres-
sure side needs to be checked. Re-
peat the test for each fan/heater unit.
To shut down the dryer, first close
the fuel supply valve at the tank or
valve along the fuel line. If the
burner is operating, let the dryer
run out of fuel, and it will shut down
automatically due to loss of flame.
Close the fuel valve at the dryer,
and press the dryer power stop
button. Turn off the safety discon-
nect handle on the front of the
power box, and turn off the main
power to the dryer.
Turn on the electric shut off valve to
allow fuel flow to the dryer, if so
equipped. Turn the load switch to
auto and unload switch to one
speed. Push the dryer power start
button, and the controller will se-
quentially start all dryer components
in their proper order. If any switches
are not in their correct position for
staged batch operation, the dryer will
indicate improper switch position,
and will not start until the switches
are in the proper position. After start-
ing, all batch timers will time down
in sequence. When the unload cycle
is complete the timers will automati-
cally reset to their original settings,
and start the dry timer again.