5 - Programming the DC Source
Setting the Voltage and Current Trigger Levels
You can program a trigger level (or alternate value) that the output voltage, output current, or output
current limit function will go to when a trigger is received. To use the output trigger function, you must
first specify a voltage or current trigger level that the output will go to once a trigger signal is received.
Once you program a trigger level and then trigger the output, the output will stay at the triggered level
until the output is reprogrammed. Use the following commands to program an output trigger level:
VOLT:TRIG <n>,(@<channel list>)
CURR:TRIG <n>,(@<channel list>)
CURR:LIM:TRIG <n>,(@<channel list>)
Once you have specified which function that you want to trigger, you must then enable that function to
respond to trigger commands. Unless the function is enabled to respond to triggers, nothing will happen
even if you have programmed a trigger level for the function. Use the following commands to enable a
function to respond to triggers:
VOLT:MODE STEP,(@<channel list>)
CURR:MODE STEP,(@<channel list>)
CURR:LIM:MODE STEP,(@<channel list>)
In Step mode, the triggered value becomes the immediate value when the trigger is received. If the mode
is set to Fixed, nothing will happen when a trigger is received; the immediate value remains in effect.
Enabling the Output Trigger System
When the dc source is turned on, the trigger subsystem is in the idle state. In this state, the trigger system
is disabled, ignoring all triggers. Sending the following commands at any time returns the trigger system
to the idle state:
The INITiate commands move the trigger system from the idle state to the initiated state. This enables
the dc source to receive triggers. To initiate the trigger system, use:
After a trigger is received and the action completes, the trigger system will return to the idle state. Thus it
will be necessary to enable the system each time a triggered action is desired.
Selecting the Output Trigger Source
The trigger system is waiting for a trigger signal in the initiated state. Before you generate a trigger, you
must select a trigger source.
To select GPIB bus triggers, use:
To select external triggers use: