
1 - General Information
measurement ranges to make fast measurements. The Hanning window can be used to reduce errors
caused by other periodic noise sources, provided that the sample period is long enough to capture three or
more noise waveform cycles. Using a Hanning window will result in slower measurement speed.
Start of a Measurement
The dc source delays the start of a measurement until a previous output voltage or current change has
settled. When voltage or current settings are changed in either voltage priority or in current priority
mode, an internal timer is started that delays any subsequent measurements. At power-on or after *RST
this delay allows the output to settle to better than 0.1% of its final value. In voltage priority mode, the
final value is based on a 20 ohm load. In current priority mode, the final value is based on a short-circuit
The settling delay can also be explicitly programmed. This may be required, for example, if the load
requires more or less delay than the representative load or if the measurement requires less accuracy.