
Language Dictionary - 6
int cfSetSeqTest(CF_HANDLE server, int step_number, CF_SEQ_TEST
meas_test_type, float limit, CF_TIME_TEST time_test_type, float time,
CF_SEQ_ACTION action);
Define tests performed during sequence steps. These tests allow a cell to advance to the next step
when a measured value is achieved, or to fail a cell and remove it from further stimulus if a
failure limit is exceeded. The server argument can be either a handle to a group obtained by
cfOpenGroup, or a handle to all cells in the instrument if no groups are defined.
step_number references the corresponding number from cfSetSeqStep.
meas_test_type is one of:
CF_VOLT_GE The cell voltage that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_VOLT_LE The cell voltage that is less than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_CURR_GE The cell current that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_CURR_LE The cell current that is less than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_ACR_GE The cell ac resistance that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_ACR_LE The cell ac resistance that is less than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_DCR_GE The cell dc resistance that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit
CF_DCR_LE The cell dc resistance that is less than or equal to the programmed limit
The absolute value of cell power in Watts (cell voltage x cell current) that is
greater than or equal to the programmed limit.
The absolute value of cell power in Watts (cell voltage x cell current) that is
less than or equal to the programmed limit.
The absolute value of cell capacity in Ampere-hours that is greater than or
equal to the programmed limit .
The absolute value of cell capacity in Ampere-hours that is less than or equal to
the programmed limit.
The absolute value of cell capacity in Watt-hours that is greater than or equal to
the programmed limit.
The absolute value of cell capacity in Watt-hours that is less than or equal to the
programmed limit.
The change in voltage during the standard measurement interval that is positive
and greater than or equal to the programmed limit.
The change in voltage during the standard measurement interval that is positive
and less than or equal to the programmed limit.
The change in voltage during the standard measurement interval that is
negative, and the magnitude of the change is greater than or equal to the
programmed limit.
The change in voltage during the standard measurement interval that is
negative, and the magnitude of the change is less than or equal to the
programmed limit.
The change in the magnitude of current during the standard measurement
interval that is positive and greater than or equal to the programmed limit.
The change in the magnitude of current during the standard measurement
interval that is positive and less than or equal to the programmed limit.
The change in the magnitude of current during the standard measurement
interval that is negative, and the magnitude of the change is greater than or
equal to the programmed limit.