
Hardware Specifications
Specifications in Table A-1 are warranted. Specifications apply over an ambient temperature range of 0°
C to 40° C. When charging, specifications apply for charging voltages from 0.5 V to maximum, and
charge currents from minimum to maximum. When discharging, specifications apply for discharging
voltages from 1.5 V to maximum and discharging currents from minimum to maximum. Accuracy
specifications apply over the entire range of ac line and power bus conditions (line regulation), and
charging/discharging levels (load regulation). Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Table A-1. Agilent E4370A/E4374A MCCD Specifications
Parameter Condition Value
Maximum Programmable Output Voltage
charging 5 V
Maximum Compliance Voltage
(cell voltage + fixture/wiring voltage drops)
charging 5.5 V
Maximum Programmable Output Current
charging or discharging, per channel
2 A
Maximum Output LeakageCurrent
disabled, per channel,
with an external voltage of -5V to +5 V
± 25 µA
Maximum Power
charging, per channel
discharging, per channel
11 W
9 W
Maximum Input Voltage
discharging 4.5 V
Voltage Programming Accuracy
measured at sense connector input with
remote sensing
± 1 mV
Voltage Readback Accuracy
measured at sense connector input with
remote sensing
± 1 mV
Current Programming Accuracy
% of reading + offset 1A
> 1A
± (0.05% + 1 mA)
± (0.1% + 1 mA)
Current Readback Accuracy
% of reading + offset 1A
> 1A
± (0.05% + 1 mA)
± (0.1% + 1 mA)
ac Resistance Measurement Accuracy
% of reading + offset
± (1% + 1 m)
dc Resistance Measurement Accuracy
% of reading + offset
± (1% + 1 m)
Tables A-2 through A-4 list the supplemental characteristics of the Agilent E4370A/E4374A/E4371A
MCCD System. Requirements for the external power bus source are also listed. Characteristics are not
warranted but are descriptions of typical performance determined either by design or by type testing.