Chapter 1. Understanding ISDN and the Express 4110/4120
61200176L3-1 Express 4110/4120 User Manual 1-19
tion/IP/NAT menu that allows incoming HTTP, FTP, and mail server
requests from the Internet to be translated and forwarded to this address
on the user network.
The Express 4110/4120 is configured using a menu-based interface. This
interface can be accessed via the maintenance port using any asynchro-
nous VT 100 terminal or personal computer running a terminal emula-
tion program, or via the LAN using a Telnet client program. To use the
Telnet interface, the Express 4110/4120 must first have an IP address pro-
grammed into it via the maintenance port. The factory default is
Security on network devices is a major concern for almost anyone with a
network. The Express 4110/4120 provides many tools for securing the
local network from hostile users. Incoming calls can be authenticated
using passwords and Caller ID. A RADIUS client can also be used.
The Telnet configuration can also be protected using the same authentica-
tion methods. Each menu item in the Express 4110/4120 has a security
level associated with it. A Telnet session is assigned a privilege level
which determines which menu items are accessible to the Telnet client.
See “Security Levels” on page 3-7 (in Chapter 3) for more information on
menu security levels.
Filters can be defined to prevent certain addresses or protocols from
being transferred from LAN-to-WAN, WAN-to-LAN, or WAN-to-WAN.