
Glossary-6 Express 4110/4120 User Manual 61200176L3-1
An EIA-specified physical interface with associated electrical signalling between DCE
and DTE. The most commonly employed interface between computer devices and mo-
Routing Table Maintenance Protocol. The AppleTalk protocol used to establish and
maintain the routing information that is required by internet routers in order to route
datagrams from any source socket to any destination socket in the internet. Using RT-
MP, internet routers dynamically maintain routing tables to reflect changes in internet
service advertising protocol (SAP)
An IPX protocol through which network resources such as servers become known to
serving area
Region surrounding a broadcasting station where signal strength is at or above a stated
minimum. The geographic area handled by a telephone central office facility. Gener-
ally equivalent to a LATA.
Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP provides a means to monitor and set
network configuration and runtime parameters.
spanning tree
A loop-free subset of the topology of a network.
Stored Program Controlled Switch. A digital switch that supports call control, routing,
and supplementary services provision under software control. All ISDN switches are
Spoofing reduces the required bandwidth by having devices, such as bridges or rout-
ers, answer for the remote devices. This causes the remote LAN to appear as if it is still
connected to the LAN device even though it is not. The spoofing saves the WAN band-
width, because no packet is ever sent out on the WAN.
(1) The condition occurring when two events happen in a specific time relationship
with each other, both under control of a master clock; (2) A method of data transmis-
sion requiring the transmission of timing pulses to keep the sender and receiver syn-
chronized in their communication used to send blocks of information. Synchronous
data transmission is used in high speed data circuits because there is less overhead than
asynchronous transmission of characters which contain two extra bits per character to
effect timing.