61200176L3-1 Express 4110/4120 User Manual Glossary-1
IEEE 802.3 specification, similar to Ethernet, using thin coaxial cable that runs at 10
Mbps, with a maximum distance of 185 meters per segment. Also known as Thin
Ethernet or Thinwire Ethernet.
IEEE 802.3 specification, using unshielded twisted-pair cabling and running at 10
AppleTalk Echo Protocol. Allows a node on an AppleTalk network to send a packet
to another node and in return, receive an echoed copy of the packet.
64 kbps bearer channel used for voice, circuit, or packet switched data.
bearer service
As defined by CCITT standards, a type of telecommunication service that provides the
capability for the transmission of information between user-to-network interfaces.
Bearer services defined for ISDN are circuit mode and packet mode.
The Bootstrap Protocol allows a network node to determine certain startup informa-
tion such as its IP address.
A data communications device that connects two or more networks. A bridge stores
and forwards complete packets between the networks. Bridges operate at the data-
link layer of the OSI model.
Consultative Committee on International Telephony and Telegraphy. A body of the
International Telegraph Union (ITU) which prepares recommendations, commonly re-
ferred to as international standards, to resolve technical telegraph and telephone prob-