Chapter 3. Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
3-46 Express 4110/4120 User Manual 61200176L3-1
Connection List/Probe
The Probe feature on the Express 4110/4120 is mainly used for allowing a
network to have multiple virtual network connections to many destina-
tions using the single ISDN link. The Express 4110/4120 can periodically
obtain routing information from various locations and retain this in the
routing tables, thereby permitting the LAN connection to be aware of the
networks at this location. Probe helps keep route tables updated. When a
service or network connection is required, the Express 4110/4120 can
demand dial that location. This can be beneficial for remote IPX worksta-
tions that cannot boot up properly without knowing the IPX services that
would be in the Express 4110/4120’s SAP table.
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
When set to Yes, the Express 4110/4120 will periodically dial this profiles
dial-out number to get routing and service table updates. The default is
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the time the Express 4110/4120 waits between probes. The value is
in minutes and ranges from 1 to 240. The default is 15 minutes.
Probe/Update Window
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the time the Express 4110/4120 stays connected during a probe.
Normally route and service tables are exchanged immediately after con-
nection. However, some routers could wait until their regular RIP or SAP
time period has been reached before they advertise their routes or services
to the Express 4110/4120. The value is in seconds and ranges from 5 to
180. The default is 5 seconds and assumes that a routing update is
received upon connection.