NetVanta 3200/3300/3400 Series Unit Installation
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Installing the NetVanta VPN Accelerator Card (included in P/N 4200368L1)
The optional VPN Accelerator Card plugs into a 32-bit PCI slot and is designed to be used in the
NetVanta 3305 to provide encryption/decryption and security acceleration services. The card provides the
following security services to the host processor: DES, triple-DES (3DES), AES, SHA-1, MD5, and
random number generation. Performance metrics include 528 Mbps (DES), 176 Mbps (3DES), and
422 Mbps (AES). The power consumption of the card does not exceed 2 watts.
Figure 38. NetVanta VPN Accelerator Card Installation
The AOS Enhanced Feature Pack software is required to take advantage of the VPN
acceleration features of this card.
The Accelerator Card is intended to be installed only by qualified service personnel.
Instructions for Installing the VPN Accelerator Card
Step Action
Remove power from the unit.
Remove the nine screws and, if necessary, two mounting brackets (see Figure 38).
Using a 3/16-inch hex driver, remove the two jack screws located on either side of the DB-9 port.
Carefully lift and remove the unit’s cover to expose the circuit board.
Gently slide the accelerator card into the PCI slot as shown. The card is keyed to fit into the slot only one
way. To avoid damaging the card pins, do not use excessive force.
Replace the unit cover, screws, and mounting brackets.
Restore power to the unit.