Physical Descriptions NetVanta 3200/3300/3400 Series
40 Copyright © 2012 ADTRAN, Inc. 61200860L1-34AB
NetVanta 3000 Series Front Panel LEDs
Table 1 describes the front panel LEDs.
Table 1. NetVanta 3000 Series Front Panel LEDs
LED Color Indication
STATUS (STAT) Green (flashing) The unit is powering up. On power up the STAT LED flashes rapidly
for five seconds, during which time the user can escape to boot mode
from the console port.
Green (solid) The power is on and self-test passed.
Red (solid) The power is on, but the self-test failed or the boot mode (if
applicable) code could not be booted.
WAN Off No NIM is installed, or interface is administratively down.
Green (solid) The link is up and everything is operational.
Green (flashing) The port has activity (3430/3448 only).
Red (solid) An alarm condition is occurring on the WAN interface, or there is a
self-test failure.
Amber (solid) The unit is in test.
DBU Off No DIM is installed.
Green (solid) The DIM is ready. For the ISDN BRI DIM, green solid indicates that
the negotiation with the switch is complete.
Green (flashing) The unit is in dial backup.
Red (solid) An alarm condition is occurring on the DBU interface, or there is a
self-test failure.
Amber (solid) The unit is in test.
NET TD/RD (not
present on all units)
Off There is no activity on the WAN or DBU port.
Green (flashing) There is activity on the WAN or DBU port.
LAN TD/RD (not
present on all units)
Off There is no activity on the Ethernet port.
Green (flashing) There is activity on the Ethernet port.
LNK (not present
on all units)
Green (solid) The 10Base-T Ethernet link is up.
Amber (solid) The 100Base-T Ethernet link is up.
POE (not present
on all units)
Off PoE card not installed, or no attached devices are being powered.
Green (solid) PoE card is actively powering an attached device.
Red (solid) PoE card has detected a fault condition on an attached device.
ETH1/ETH2 (not
present on all units)
Off The port is administratively disabled or does not have link.
Green (solid) The port is enabled and the link is up.
Amber (flashing) The port has activity (transmit or receive).
(not present on all
Off PPP or PPPoE is not connected, IP has no IP address via DHCP, or
IP is static.
Green (solid) PPP or PPPoE is connected or IP has an address via DHCP.
Green (flashing) WAN interface is attempting to obtain an IP address via DHCP.
(not present on all
Off The port is administratively disabled or does not have link.
Green (solid) The port is enabled and the link is up.
Amber (flashing) The port has activity (transmit or receive).
(not present on all
Off No encrypted traffic.
On Encrypted traffic present.