Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
61200.070L1-1 Express XL/XLT User Manual 61
Dst Port Cmpr Type of comparison that is performed
= - means ports equal to
not = - means port not equal to
> - means port greater than
< - means port less than
None - means the destination port is not
Proto Protocol used for comparison. Range: 0 to 255.
(decimal format)
Proto Cmpr Type of comparison that is performed
= - means protocols equal to
not = - means protocols not equal to
> - means protocols greater than
< - means protocols less than
None - means the protocol is not compared
TCP Est Yes - only when TCP established
No - only when TCP not established
Ignore - ignore TCP flags
Filter Defines /IPX Filter Defines
Write security: 2; Read security: 3
The IPX filter defines apply to any IPX packet whether it is routed or bridged.
Also, any IPX encapsulation type will be accounted for. Up to 32 IPX defines
can be specified.
Name Identifies the filter entry (15 characters max)
Src Net 32-bit source network address
Src Mask Bits in the source network address which are
compared. (hexadecimal format)
Dest Net 32-bit destination network address
Dest Mask Bits in the destination network address which
are compared. (hexadecimal format)
Src Socket 16-bit value which is the source socket.
Range is 0-65535.
Src Socket Comp Type of comparison that is performed:
= - means socket equal to
Not = - means socket not equal to
> - means socket greater than
< - means socket less than
None - no comparison is done on source
Dest Socket 16-bit value which is the destination socket. Range
is 0-65535.