Appendix B: Log Messages
124 Express XL/XLT User Manual 61200.070L1-1
No IP addr for peer
level 2
The Express XL/XLT cannot continue the connection because there was no IP
address received from the PPP peer or it was not set in Configuration/Con-
nection List/IP/Route/IP/Net parameter.
No more bundles avail
level 3
The Express XL/XLT cannot bundle more than two Multilink sessions at one
No Response from peer
level 2
The Express XL/XLT has dialed or answered a call and no PPP negotiation
packets were seen.
PAP authen failed
level 3
The PPP peer has rejected the Express XL/XLT’s username and/or password
used for authenticating. Check to make sure the Configuration/Connection
List/Authentication parameters Tx Method, Tx Username, and Tx Password
are correct.
Peer failed CHAP authen
level 3
The PPP peer’s reported CHAP username and/or password does not match
the Express XL/XLT’s parameters. This is most likely caused by PPP peer
sending an incorrect username and/or password. Make sure the Configura-
tion/Connection List/Authentication parameters Rx Username and Rx Pass-
word are correctly entered. Also, if using RADIUS, check that the server is
configured and running properly.
Peer failed EAP authen
level 3
The PPP peer’s reported EAP username and/or password does not match the
Express XL/XLT’s parameters. This is most likely caused by PPP peer sending
incorrect username and/or password. Make sure the Configuration/Connec-
tion List/Authentication parameters Rx Username and Rx Password are cor-
rectly entered. Also, if using RADIUS, check that the server is configured and
running properly.