
Service Port Connections 95
SNC 5100
Connecting to the Service Port
The service port is an RS-232C Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) port,
configured at 19200 Baud, with 8 data bits, no parity and either hardware flow
control or Xon/Xoff flow control.
The 9-pin connector is compatible with serial ports on PCs. A PC may be used
to connect to the service port, using a 9-pin to 9-pin null modem cable.
For connection to another system, such as a UNIX workstation, a different
cable or an adapter may be required.
Service Port Connections
The figure below shows the service port connections.
Figure 9 Service Port Pinout
Connections are listed in the following table.
Table 10: DB-9 RS-232 Connector Pin Assignments
Signal Name Abbreviation
Direction relative to
SNC 5100
1 Carrier Detect CD In
2 Receive Data RD In
3 Transmit Data TD Out
4 Data Terminal Ready DTR Out
5 Signal Ground SG -
6 Data Set Ready DSR In
7 Request to Send RTS Out
8 Clear to Send CTS In
9 Ring Indicator RI In